Exams are around the corner and you are stressing out about what may come out! It is been some time since I had posted tips for ACCA and the lag was due to workload in getting the best pass rates for CPA (Australia) at Unirazak KL. I am proud to say that GSL - CPA; CBI - CPA papers have been beating the world pass rates for the last 4 semesters.
It is back to that time again - ACCA exam week and you want to know how to pass ACCA ATX paper. This paper is currently changed in ACCA Dec 2023 exam with March 2024 being the 2nd time the new 3 question format exam is being presented.- Company scenario that has the potential to ask ASIE; AIE; PS; ITA and RA as possible incentive to be considered
- Company scenario that test the ideas involved in LIHC or IHC
- Company scenario that test the sources of funds to be used to finance the business - debt vs equity
- Company scenario of restructuring of business with possible movement of property under NGNL; and S.15A or even S.15
- Treatment of foreign sourced income for a company that comes from interest, rental and dividend sources from overseas; with possible double tax issues
- Ethics involved with conflict of interest or finding out that client had made an error in the previous tax submission
- Difference between tax audit and investigation
- Possible discussion on basis period changes - with determining the date when it should be disclosed to IRB.
- Individual tax situation with either ESOS, remuneration planning or residence planning situation
- Income treatment for an individual with possible inclusion of settlement
- VSS or Gratuity payment tax implication
- Treatment of foreign source income for individual and possible need to consider the derivation of income
- Retirement planning question with discussion on different sources of investment - REIT; Unit trust; Shares in listed company; Shares in unlisted company; Fixed deposit; Leaving money in EPF; BItcoin investment
- RPGT - Death with possible implications for each different asset and different disposal - legatee; legatee in lieu of cash; executer
- RPGT - RPC shares computation
- RPGT - NGNL between companies; between spouse and company for shares
- RPGT - compliance requirement
- Service tax - group exemption and B2B exemption
- Sales tax - importation, drawback and possibly issues with wrongful submission
Right that is all that I can think about for the coming exam - good luck i the preparation
Those planning to study for June 2024 exam - Jpro Training will open the intake by March 2024 for the 3 months physical classes at Unirazak KL at very affordable prices
We will have 3 months course and a 6 month course that is provided jointly by Jpro and First Intuition UK for classes that cover ACCA FIA; ACCA FR; ACCA AA; ACCA FM; ACCA PM; ACCA TAX (UK); ACCA ATX (UK); ACCA MA1; ACCA MA2; ACCA FA2 ACCA FA1; ACCA FA; ACCA MA; ACCA BT.