Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Is this the ideal paper for Malaysia?

The exam paper for P6 is noted as one of the easiest paper in Malaysia for P level of ACCA.

Reason:  It is written in very straight forward language and most of the verbs used in the exam comes from Level 1 and 2 of the bloom taxaomy.

Another reason : The examiner for P6 seems to be testing the articles she has written

Based on the above, it would be easy to say that pass rates for this paper would be astounding.


Many have come back to me saying that the paper is very hard and takes a lot of effort.

Some have even said that it is worse than P2 amount of study.

In this the jury is still out on whether this is a good option to consider.

Class for P6 ACCA (Malaysia)

Timetable for all papers have been updated to this.

There is 15 seats for P6 (Malaysia) revision which starts on 18 Oct - price is RM500

There is 5 more seats for P5 revision which will start on Oct 4 - price is RM700 for 32 hours of revision.

There is 3 more seats for P7 revision which will start on 28 Sept - price is RM800 for 45 hours of revision.

P1 crash course will be starting on 27 Oct 2014 evening - price is RM600 which will start from 0 to exam ready status.  There is 20 seats here - so book early.

P3 revision will start on Sept 2 is RM600, there is 12 seats available for this.

P2 ACCA Revision will start on Oct 1 is RM750

Please call Mr.Kumar @ 016-263-0649 to book.  You can also call 017-878-6074 to clarify your problems in doing ACCA with Mr. Jay (ACCA subject specialist).

If you are planning to study from home / on your self; it would be good idea to buy J Pro Online learning materials

This will include:
Online lectures from our partner Mapit Accountancy
Access to J Pro forum for questions / answers / class notes
Access to spots on the paper from Mr. Jay available on the forum only
Mock papers for ACCA from BPP for P1; P2; P3; P5; P7

# The above does not include text or kits.  Only class notes and question bank provided during the class by the lecturer.